Need A Pro Theme?

We Have Thousands of Premium WordPress Themes Collection

Get Your Blog Ready

It’s not a joke! You can get your WordPress blog ready.

We are running a campaign where we are setting up micro-niche blogs with WordPress for newbies.

And it’s FREE (no service charge).

First, have a look at what will you get:

  • Fresh WordPress setup complies with all database security.
  • Security configuration without plugins – (security plugins might break your website).
  • OceanWP theme set up with all necessary plugins.
  • Child theme configuration – (so, no worries about losing theme customization).
  • Basic customization with necessary codings.
  • Rank Math configuration – (get better SEO results).
  • UpdraftPlus configuration – (keep auto-backup of your blog to Google Drive).
  • Privacy Policy, and Terms & Conditions pages.
  • Documentation – (you can easily change every aspect of your blog later).

Sounds good… Right?

Well, your blog will be like this Demo Blog.

And it’s a perfect micro-niche blog setup.

Just purchase a hosting plan using our affiliate link (you’ll get the current lowest price with a free domain name, guarantee).

Then send us an email with details.

Your purchase will be tracked. If you do not buy through the link below, you won’t be eligible for this free service.